12 Things People Mistake for Intelligence (But Aren’t)

by | Jun 28, 2024

If you have people in your life who are very smart, chances are there are a few signs that led you to that belief. However, some things that people believe are signs of intelligence are not actually signs. We have put together 12 things people mistake for intelligence but aren’t. Do these make you think differently about the smart people in your life?

Public Speaking

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Just because someone stands up and starts talking to others doesn’t mean they are smart. In fact, most of the time, those speeches were written for them, and the people giving them are not all that intelligent. Public speaking is about communication and confidence, not intellectual ability.

Being into Nerdy Things

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Hobbies like sci-fi, video games, or technology sometimes make people think there is a higher intelligence factor. However, interests and passions don’t always directly correlate to intellectual capacity.

Being Wealthy

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Wealth is often mistaken for intelligence. Plenty of smart people have become financially successful, but this is due to a variety of factors, including luck, inheritance, or even the connections they were able to make to get there.

Never Admitting to Being Wrong/Not Knowing Something

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When you don’t know something, ask questions, talk to others, and seek solutions. If you are not open to learning, it’s a sign that you are likely not very intelligent.


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Confidence can make people seem intelligent. HoweverHowever, it’s possible to be confident and not all that intelligent. True intelligence means being humble and admitting that there are some things you just don’t know.

Strong Opinions

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Having a strong opinion about something can make you seem smart. However, all it really says is that you have a strong opinion. Intelligent individuals are usually more open to other viewpoints than opinionated individuals.

Expensive Degree

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Going to an expensive school does not mean you are intelligent; it simply means that you went to an expensive school. You have to use the information you were taught while at school to really benefit from the education.

Ability to Memorize

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Memory is a great skill, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you are intelligent. Instead, it states that you can keep much information in your head. Knowledge comes in a variety of different forms, and the ability to memorize isn’t the best way to tell how smart someone is.

Being Good at Test Taking

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Test-taking is also a skill. If you have a good memory and know strategies, you can easily pass and thrive on tests. Being a great test taker doesn’t mention your creative problem-solving skills.

Remembering Details of Television Shows

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Television shows and movie quotes are funny and can be conversation starters, but they don’t indicate your intelligence level. Sometimes, the only reason you remember the line is because you had a personal connection with it.

Online IQ Tests

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Most online IQ tests are not validated by scientists. People who take them often find out that they are not accurate and inflate the numbers quite a bit.

Using Big Words

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Using complex vocabulary can give the illusion of intelligence, but it’s more important to communicate ideas. True intelligence lies in making complex ideas understandable.